Some of these accessibility fails are borderline offensive.  Sure it's fun to laugh and poke fun... until you're the one faced with the obstacle!  if you see bad examples of wheelchair accessibility in your neighborhood, be sure to report it to your local council or government representative!

Great job making sure that there's a Handicapped spot but a slope of grass does NOT double as an ADA compliant ramp.  Sorry.

Wait... what kind of a parking spot is this, again??

Is this a wheelchair ramp or an amusement park ride?!

When nature conservation and handicap accessibility go head to head...

Sure, let me just FLOAT over this step to access this ramp.

..Go, go, gadget arms?........

Gee. Thanks.


No food court for you.

Beware of the falling wheelchairs

If you didn't need a wheelchair before using this ramp, you'll probably need one after.

This looks like a horrific roller coaster ride.  yikes!

Pretty sure this bathroom has never been used by a wheelchair user.

So close.  just one thing, you forgot about the gigantic step still in the way of this elevator ramp.

Not even sure what this is supposed to be here.



Some of these are just plain rude.  Again, if you see bad examples of wheelchair accessibility in your neighborhood, be sure to report it to your local council or government representative!  For more information on our ramp systems, click here to be redirected.

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